Thursday, March 20, 2008

just a day, just an ordinary day, trying to get by.

oh Lacie, the laid out on the floor screaming and crying tantrums are getting old. seriously, its not that bad. I try to give her a cookie, and what does she do, look at me like i am nuts and swatthe coolie out of my hands!!! what?! ok, you little sucka, go ahead and cry, i am immune to it and tune it out. fast forward about an hour, i go to Taco Bell and McDonalds. I get the family some food to eat, and boy does Lacie know a McDonald's Happy Meal box already! she high tails it to her high chair, arms raised crying to get in! so i give her a half of her hamburger and she is a whole new child and attitude. i think she may have multiple personalities.

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