Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I have to collect what?! and put it in the fridge?!

so, Lacie has been sick with diarhea, also known as "butt piss". (she is gonna hate me when she gets older if she ever reads this) we thought it was over. i stayed home from work yesterday bc i got the virus but she has to be 24 hours free of butt piss. well, her last bowel movement yesterday afternoon was more on the solid side! yay!! she is finally better! uh, WRONG! daycare called me and i had to go get her. so i called the dr. office, and sorta fibbed, saying that she was diarrheaing for 6 days when it was only 4, but somethings got to give. seriously!! so Dr. C. noticed that her coloring was red and splotchy and her cheeks are really red. he seems to think that she has fifths disease, which really is no big deal. but i now have to take a stool (poo) sample and put it in 3 tubes that they gave me. but one tube has to be put on ice. (how would you like to open an ice chest and find some cold beer......and poo, right next to it) but i have to get the poo to the lab within s few hours. that is the catch. when will she poo? so, i am just sitting here, waiting.

until next time...........

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