Tuesday, June 17, 2008

this time, we get our own pool and a new bathing suit, and does Lacie get in the pool? NOOOOOOO

so, i decided to buy Lacie a cute $5 blow up pool for the yard and a new bathing suit.
below is the story of how she refused to get in the water.
when we first went outside, i put her in the water, just her feet, and she freaked out.
i dont think the water was too cold, cuz later on, her brother went play in the pool and the water was warm and she still refused to get in.

momma, come with me.

i dont think so........
i like these big cement circles that lead me to momma's new ride.
Mommy, look how afar away i am! (not that far)
time to come back to mommy, too far for me.
there's my mommy
strike a pose in my princess suit
I am soooooooo cute!
let me go check out that pool again
Nope, don't think so, i am gonna sit on the steps with mommy
and maybe walk on the big circles again.

so, in the end, all the effort it took to fill that pool with water using huge bowls from inside (we dont have a hose hookup) she did not get in the water. at least i got some cute pictures.

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